
Pharmacy Practice

Focus: Ambulatory Care/Cardiovascular

Speaker Request
Gina Garrison, PharmD


  • Pharm.D., Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • B.S., Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Cardiovascular PTPM (therapeutics)
  • Updates in Pharmacotherapy (elective)
  • Ambulatory Care APPE 
  • ACPHS Teaching and Learning Program for Pharmacy Residents

Research Interests

  • Dr. Garrison's teaching and scholarly activities focus on both clinical and academic aspects of pharmacy education. Her clinical focus includes cardiovascular risk reduction and preventative medicine in primary care, including tobacco cessation, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and immunizations in ambulatory care.  Her scholarship of teaching and learning focus on the ACPHS Teaching and Learning Program for Residents and Fellows, where she has served as Program Director since 2012, and on promoting student self-reflection on study approaches to improve learning. 
  • She has published and presented nationally on innovative approaches to offering the ACPHS “TLP” program, as well as approaches to supporting student learning through critical reflection on learning habits.
  • She was awarded honorable mention in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 2018 Innovations in Teaching Competition for her project “A Novel Process for Guiding Student Critical Reflection on Learning Habits through Exam Performance Analysis”.

Selected Publications & Biosketch


Gregory, J, Tayler B, Huynh B, Korgaonkar-Cherala C, Garrison GD, Ata A, Sorum, PC. High-Dose vs. Standard-Dose Amoxicillin/Clavulanate for Adults with Acute Sinusitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(3): e212713.

Matho A, Mulqueen, M, Tanino M,  Quidort A, Cheung J, Pollard J, Rodriguez, J,  Swamy S,  Tayler B, Garrison GD, Ata A, Sorum, PC. High-dose versus standard-dose amoxicillin/clavulanate for clinically-diagnosed acute bacterial sinusitis: A randomized clinical trial. PLOS ONE. May 8, 2018.

Garrison GD, Baia P, Canning JC, Strang AS. An Asynchronous Learning Approach for the Instructional Component of a Dual-Campus Pharmacy Resident Teaching Program. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2015; 79 (2).

Garrison G. Varenicline for four weeks prior to target quit date reduces pre-quit date smoking and increases 12-week abstinence. (commentary). British Medical Journal/ Evidence-Based Medicine for Primary Care and Internal Medicine. June 2012, 17(3); 96-97.

Garrison GD, Lubowski TJ, Miller SM, Strang AF, Sorum PC, Hamilton R. Multi-site Heart Disease Risk Assessment Service Provided by Pharmacy Students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2010; 74 (3). 

Medina MS, Garrison GD, Brazeau GA. Finding Time for Faculty Development (viewpoint). American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2010; 74 (10):179: 1-2. 

Garrison GD. Careers in Pharmacy. Health & Medicine edition of Private Colleges & Universities magazine, Fall 2010 

Garrison GD, Dugan SE. Varenicline as First-line therapy for Tobacco Cessation. Clinical Therapeutics. March 2009. 

Grabe DW, Garrison GD. Comparison of Natural Product Use Between Primary Care and Nephrology Patients. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2004; 38 (7/8): 1169-1172. 

Garrison GD, Sorum PC, Hioe W, Miller MM. Treatment of Acute Otitis Media with High-dose Amoxicillin. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2004; 38(1): 15-19.

Conferences and Presentations

Garrison GD. Impact of Student Critical Reflection on Learning Habits using Exam Performance Reports. ExamSoft Assessment Conference 2018, Fort Lauderdale FL (1 hr live).

Strang AF, Briceland LL, Garrison GD, Kane TH, Brewer JM, Seo SW. Are Students Practicing Self-awareness? An Inventory of Critical Reflection Throughout the Curriculum/Co-Curriculum. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.

Garrison GD, Strang AF. A Novel Process for Guiding Student Critical Reflection on Learning Habits Through Exam Performance Analysis. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.

Garrison GD, Bidell M, Cabral K, Silvestro L, Boire A, Strang AF. Interdisciplinary Formative Assessments to Foster Student Learning in the Dual-Campus Large Classroom Setting (School Poster). AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, July 21-23, 2018.


Dr. Garrison completed a Primary Care Residency at the Buffalo VA Medical Center in 1999.

She has been a faculty member at ACPHS since 1999.  She started clinical pharmacy services as the ambulatory care pharmacist at Albany Medical Center’s Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Group in Latham, NY in 1999, and is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at Albany Medical College.

In addition to teaching students at her practice site, Dr. Garrison’s primary teaching responsibilities at ACPHS include the Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and cardiovascular risk assessment. She also teaches integrated problem solving workshops with students, and an elective course Updates in Pharmacotherapy.  

Since 2012, Dr. Garrison has served as the Director for the ACPHS Teaching and Learning Program (TLP) for Pharmacy Residents which is offered to affiliated institutions. She has completed clinical certificate programs as a pharmacist immunizer trainer, smoking cessation specialist, and lipid management specialist. Dr. Garrison has also completed a national training program on motivational interviewing for patient communication.

Dr. Garrison is an active member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), Rho Chi National Honor Society, and the New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists (NYSCHP).

As an active member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), she has been invited to serve on several AACP Council of Faculty committees and AACP Standing Committees. From 2010-2013 she served in leadership roles for the Association, including being elected Chair of the AACP "Women Faculty" Special Interest Group (SIG).

Nationally, Dr. Garrison has served as an officer for the Rho Chi National Honor Society, including election to two terms as Region 1 Councilor (2007-2011) and three terms as National Secretary (2012-13; 2013-2015; 2015-2017). Since 2005, Dr. Garrison has also been a faculty co-advisor for the award-winning Rho Chi student chapter at ACPHS, which has received four Rho Chi national awards since 2007 (two chapter achievement awards and two national chapter proposal awards).

At the state level, Dr. Garrison has served as NYSCHP Vice-President for Public Policy (Board of Directors, 2009-2011), and has been an active member of the NYSCHP Public Policy committee for many years where she regularly advocates for pharmacy practice.

Dr. Garrison serves as a Journal Reviewer for several journals including the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning(Elsevier), and the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. She has been awarded several honors, including "Educator of the Year" by the New York State Chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (2005), ACPHS “Teacher of the Year" (2018), and ACPHS “Professioanl Organization Advisor of the Year" (2007 and 2009).  Dr. Garrison mentors pharmacy trainees to apply for the national Wal-mart Annual Conference Scholarship Program Award through AACP, and has won the award twice (2008, 2012).